The 1N4148 is a small, high-speed switching diode that is relatively fast switching and is widely used in circuits with high signal frequencies for unidirectional isolation, communications, computer boards, television circuits, and industrial control circuits. It features a very versatile high-frequency switching diode. Including DO35, LL34, SOD323, SOT23 package all.
The 1N5819 is a diode version that is a Schottky diode type with 2 pin counts, a peak current of 25A, and an operating temperature range of -65°C to +125°C. 1N5819 metal-silicon junction at the majority carrier conduction. High-frequency, low-voltage, and high-current characteristics are the differences between 1N5819 diodes and common diodes. They are widely used in switching power supplies, inverters, and drivers for high-frequency, low-voltage, high-current rectification, freewheeling, and protection diodes.
The 1N5819 features ultra-fast speed (low switching loss) and very low voltage drop (low voltage loss), but it also has a low withstand voltage, usually less than 60V, and is suitable for low-voltage (==12V) switching power supplies.
The 1N4148 is a point-contact, low-current rectifier with high speed, but the current is only 50mA. Another application of the 1N5819 diode is regulation - using the reverse characteristic. Therefore, when the pressure is low and the current is not high, you can consider using a voltage regulator instead.
The reverse leakage of the 1N5819 tube is larger. However, the capacitance is small. high speed. But not yet fast 1N4148, after all, people use high-frequency detection, rather than rectification.