The State Council promulgated 2009 electronic industry revitalization planning


Information technology is the world's economic and social development of the important driving force, the electronic information industry is a strategic national economy, fundamental and guiding pillar industry, to promote social employment and stimulate economic growth, adjust industrial structure, transform the mode of development and safeguarding national security plays an important role. To cope with the international financial crisis, fulfil the Party Central Committee, the State Council to maintain growth, expand domestic demand, adjust the structure of the general requirements, ensure the steady development of the electronic information industry, accelerate structural adjustment, promote industrial upgrading plan is formulated, as the electronic information industry a comprehensive response to the action plan. Planning for a period of 2009 - 2011. "Planning" is the main content:

       One,Electronics and information industry current situation and the situation that face

   Since the reform and opening up, China's electronic information industry has achieved sustained and rapid development, especially since twenty-first Century, industry scale, industry structure, technical level has been greatly improved. 2001 - 2007 sales revenue to an average annual growth rate of 28%, in 2008 the sales income of about 6.3 yuan, industrial added value of about 1.5 yuan, the proportion of GDP accounted for about 5%, the year GDP growth of more than 0.8 percentage points, exports amounted to US $521800000000, accounting for the total export value of foreign trade in 36.5%. China has become the world's largest electronic information products manufacturing base, in communication, high performance computers, digital television and other fields has also made a series of major technological breakthroughs. However, the impact of international financial crisis, since the second half of 2008, electronic information products export growth declining sales growth rate has declined, key areas and key enterprises operating difficulties, the amount of foreign investment decreases obviously, the development of electronic information industry is facing severe challenges. At the same time, China's electronic information industry and deep-seated problem still very outstanding. Effective measures must be taken to accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, strengthen technical innovation, to promote electronic information industry to stabilize development continuously, for the steady and rapid economic development.

  Two, the guiding ideology, basic principles and goals

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  (one) the guiding ideology.

  Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 17th Party Congress, with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development, around the growth and expansion of domestic demand, adjust the structure of the main line, persist in reform and opening up, strengthen independent innovation, speeding up the integration of information technology and industrialization, to optimize the environment to consolidate the advantages of scale, with major the project drives technological breakthrough to new applications and promote industrial development. Stabilization of export, expanding domestic demand, satisfy people's demand, maintain steady and rapid growth of electronic information industry ; cluster resources, key breakthrough, improve the key technology and core industry independent development ability; to promote the industry, integrated development, accelerate foster new point of growth ; in development to maintain stability, stability and transformation electronic information industry, accelerate the adjustment of organization structure, product structure and regional structure, implementation industry sustained and healthy development.

  (two ) the basic principles.

   Adhere to the basis of current and plan the long-term combined. In view of the current external demand fell sharply, the global electronic information industry to adjust the depth of the situation, to take positive measures to maintain the steady growth of the industry. At the same time, in view of long-term development, concentrate advantage resource, the breakthroughs in key areas, promote the adjustment of industrial structure, accelerate development model to quality benefit change.

  Adhere to the operation of the market and the government guidance in combination. Give full play to the market allocation of resources to the basic role, accelerate perfect system mechanism, improvement casts financing environment, cultivate backbone enterprises, supporting small and medium sized innovative enterprises, promote sustainable and healthy development. At the same time, the country increased taxation, financial policy support, enhanced integrated circuit, new display devices, software and other industries at the core of the ability of independent development.

   Adhere to independent innovation and international cooperation. Accelerate the pace of independent innovation, with system application for traction, accelerate technology developed independently. At the same time, continue to intensify efforts to attract international electronic information manufacturing industry and service industry transfer to our country, improving the level of utilizing foreign investment, expand the enterprise development space, improve the electronic information industry in the international division of labor.

  (three ) planning objectives.

  To promote growth, maintaining stability and made remarkable achievements. The next three years, the electronic information industry sales revenue to maintain steady growth, the industrial development of the contribution to GDP growth of not less than 0.7 of a percentage point, to three years more than 1500000 new jobs, new graduates' employment of nearly 1000000 people. Keep the foreign trade export and stability. New electronic information products and related services cultivation has become the hot spot of consumption, the application of information technology effectively promote the transformation of traditional industries, informatization and industrialization further integration.

  Adjusting structure, and transition to obtain apparent progress. Backbone enterprise international competitiveness significantly enhanced, the independent brand market influence greatly. Software and information services in electronic information industry proportion increased from 12% to 15%. Steadily promote electronic information transformation and upgrading of processing trade, encourage the processing trade enterprises to extend the industrial chain, to promote domestic industrial upgrading. The formation of a number of international influence, the distinctive characteristics of the industry cluster district. Industrial innovation system was further improved. Core technology breakthrough, a new generation of mobile communication, the next generation of Internet, digital radio and television and other fields of application and innovation driven form a batch of new point of growth, industry development mode transition to obtain apparent progress.

  Three, industrial restructuring and revitalization of the main task

   In the next three years, electronic information industry should focus on nine areas of focus, to complete the backbone of industry to ensure stable growth of core businesses to achieve strategic breakthroughs and new applications drive the adoption of three major tasks of the new growth.

  (one) to ensure that the computer, electronic components, audio-visual products backbone industry stabilizes growth.

  Improve the industrial system, maintain stable export, develop urban and rural market, improving the level of utilizing foreign investment, develop industrial assemble advantage, realize computer, electronic components, audio-visual products backbone industry stable development.

  Enhance the computer industry competitiveness. Accelerate the improvement of product development and design ability, positive development of notebook computers, high-end servers, storage equipment, industrial control computer and other key products, building design as the core, to make for the foundation, the key components supporting the ability of the computer industry. Vigorously develop the personal computer market, actively expand the industry application market, promotion based on the independent design of CPU low cost computer and with independent intellectual property rights of the printers, cash registers and other products. Support key enterprises "going out", the further development of global especially in emerging and developing countries market.

  Accelerate the upgrading of products electronic components. Give full play to the guiding role of the demand, around the domestic machine supporting adjustment components of product structure, improve the chip components, a novel power electronic device, high frequency devices, semiconductor lighting, hybrid integrated circuit, a novel lithium ion battery, thin film solar battery and a new printed circuit board products such as R & D and production capacity, initially formed a complete and mutual support electronic components industry system. Accelerate the development of pollution-free and environment-friendly base components and key material, improve the performance and reliability of products, improve the electronic components and basic materials recycling level, reduce logistics cost and management cost, improve the competitiveness of export products, international market share.

     Advance the audiovisual industry digital transformation. Support for color TV enterprises and chip design, display module enterprises vertical integration, promote the whole of the combination of enterprises, increase the input of innovation, enhance international competition ability. To speed up the 4C (computer, communication, consumer electronics, content) fusion, promote digital home products and new consumer electronics products development. Advance system mechanism innovation, accelerate the analog TV to digital TV transition, promote national cable, terrestrial and satellite complementary digital radio and television network construction, the rich digital program resources, promote HD broadcast, promote the popularization of digital TV, drives the digital studio equipment, transmission equipment, satellite receiving equipment upgrade, accelerate the process of digital movie the audiovisual industry chain, to achieve the overall upgrade.

  (two ) break through the integrated circuit, new display devices, software and other industries at the core of the key technology.

  Seize the global industrial competition pattern to accelerate the adjustment of the opportunity, based on independent innovation, strengthening international cooperation and co-ordination of resources, environmental protection, market, technology, personnel and other various elements, reasonable layout of major projects to achieve integrated circuit, new display devices, software and other core industry key technology breakthrough.

  Improve the integrated circuit industry system. Support the backbone of manufacturing enterprise integration advantages of resources, increase the input of innovation, promote the process of upgrading. Continue to guide and support the international chip manufacturing enterprises to increase investment in China, with production bases and research and development center. Improvement of integrated circuit design support service system, promote industrial agglomeration. LED chip design companies and manufacturing enterprises to strengthen cooperation, relying on the upgrade expanding effective domestic demand. Support design for merger and reorganization among enterprises, to cultivate international competitiveness of large enterprises. Support integrated circuit construction of major projects and major scientific and technological special key combination, promote high-end general chips design development and industrialization, achieve some special equipment industrialization application, formed relatively advanced integrated circuit industry chain.

  New display industry breakthrough development bottleneck. Overall planning and rational layout, with the panel production as the focus, improve the new display industry system. The state is arranged to guide the capital and enterprise capital market financing combination, widen financing channel, enhance enterprise innovation ability of development. Mature technology industrialization and forward-looking technology research and development develop simultaneously, and gradually master the display industry development initiative. Make full use of global resources industries, focus on strengthening cross-strait industry collaboration, effort in the new display panel production, machine module integration design, glass substrate manufacturing and other fields to achieve a breakthrough of the key technology.

  To improve the ability of independent development of software industry. Relying on the major projects of national science and technology, strive to improve the capability of independent innovation of domestic infrastructure software. Support Chinese processing software ( contain minority language software ), information security software, industry software, application software and embedded software technology, product development, realize the key areas of important software independently controllable, the promotion of basic software and CPU development. Strengthen the domestically produced software and industry solutions for popularization and application, promote software industry and traditional industry integration development. To encourage large-scale backbone enterprises to integrate the advantages of resources, enhance company actual strength and international competition ability. Guide to industrial base of the medium and small software enterprise agglomeration and joint development, improve the software industry international cooperation level.

  (three ) in communication equipment, information services, information technology applications in areas such as the development of new growth points.

  Accelerate the construction of information infrastructure, vigorously promote the business innovation and service innovation, strengthening the information technology in economic and social field applications, positive use of information technology to transform traditional industries, with a new application to drive new growth.

  Accelerate the communication equipment manufacturing industry development. New generation network construction is chance, strengthen equipment manufacturing enterprises and telecommunications operator interaction, promoting products and services integration and innovation, to promote the scale of application development of communication equipment manufacturing industry. Accelerate the third generation of mobile communication network, the next generation of the Internet and broadband optical access network construction, adapt to the development of a new generation of mobile communication network and mobile Internet demand for new business and new applications, drive system and terminal product upgrading. Support I.T television network ), mobile phone TV and other emerging service industry development. Build content, terminal, transmission, operation enterprise promote each other, and win-win development new system. (0.6, - 0.03, - 4.76%) V (

   Accelerate the cultivation of new information service mode in the new format. Grasp the trend of software services, promote the information service and innovation, comprehensive utilization of public information resources and further development of China's economic and social development needs of information services business. Actively undertake the global offshore service outsourcing business, guiding the public service department and Enterprises Outsourcing data processing and information technology operation maintenance of non core business, based on the information technology and the network service system. To improve the information service industry supporting service capacity, the initial formation of perfect function, layout reasonable, structure optimization, meet the requirements of the development of internationalization of industry of public service system.

  Strengthen information technology integration application. Research design, process control, business management, marketing and other key link as a breakthrough point, the advance of information technology and traditional industry, raise industrial automation, intelligent and modern management level. Accelerate industry solutions for the development and promotion, to organize the industry application pilot demonstration projects, support RFID ( tag ), automotive electronics, machine electronics, medical electronics, industrial control and testing products and systems development and standard setting. Support of information technology enterprises and traditional industrial enterprises to carry out multi-level cooperation and further promote the integration of information technology and industrialization. Combined with the national improvement of people's livelihood projects related to the implementation of information technology in education, strengthening health and social insurance, transportation and other areas of application. Information technology to improve the level of service "3 farming", accelerate advance agriculture and rural informatization, development expands agricultural electronic products and information services industries.

      Four, policy measures

     (one) implementation of measures to expand domestic demand.

  Combined with the national economy and social informatization construction and home appliances and other key industry restructuring and revitalization planning, the further development of electronic information industry development space, and guidance to promote the third generation mobile communication network, the next generation of Internet, digital radio and television network, broadband optical fiber access network and digital cinema construction, stimulating the domestic development of related industries. Improvement of universal service mechanism, advance rural informatization construction, strengthen rural telecommunications and radio and television coverage, accelerate implementation "village village is connected". Support the domestic PV market development and LED (light emitting diode ) lighting product promotion. The establishment of national financial support for major projects supporting security coordination mechanism, drive electronic information products and related services development, guide the domestic enterprises supporting each other.

     (two ) increase national investment.

    The country increases investment newly to electronic information industry tilt, increase guide capital investment, implementation of integrated circuit upgrade, new display and color TV industry transition, TD-SCDMA third generation mobile communication industry is new span, digital TV movie promotion, computer upgrade and the next generation of Internet applications, software and information service development six major projects, support independent innovation and technological transformation projects. Encourage local on the special support of the key areas and key projects to give financial support, guide social resources to the electronic information industry. Increase the information technology to transform traditional industries investment.

   (three ) strengthen policy to give aid to.

  Continue to implement the" State Council on encouraging the development of software and integrated circuit industries some policy notice" (the country is sent 2000 No. 18) clear policy, grasp the research to further support


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